Sunday, December 27, 2009

Heathrow is like Dubai...

...Shiny, super luxurious and bizarrely dated. Plus empty where I am.

After lots and lots of waiting in the airport, another round of delays in Chicago and then an hour of waiting on the run way, I have reached Heathrow. Here is my breakfast from the always disappointing AMT Coffee (although they are one hundo per cent FT (coffee) and Organic (milk) according to their homepage):
EDIT: Apparently, a barista from the very AMT coffee lounge I currently inhabit(T4 Heathrow) won the 2006 Food and Beverage Best Barista of the Year award. I remain skeptical.

On the plane here, I sat next to an ancient Israeli man with the longest, straightest chest hair I have ever seen. He looked exactly like the man from Up, minus the terrifying stretched, square jaw line-if only I had a picture to show you. Also, here is the terrifying de-icing alien robot:
The picture doesn't quite capture its full, probing horror. Its gaze is death.

What I'm listening to: RE: DEFinition by Blackstar

What I'm looking at: The haunting and strangely beautiful work of Richard Barnes. Check out the statement for Past Perfect/Future Tense.

Copyright Richard Barnes 2009.
Catch you later.

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